Why David Chang Says You Ought to Never Purchase Food Stockpiling Compartments

David Chang
Purchasing food stockpiling compartments for your kitchen is for all intents and purposes a transitional experience to clutch extras, however superstar gourmet specialist and pioneer behind Momofuku Noodle Bar, David Chang, says there’s compelling reason need. It isn’t so he’s against extras — he simply believes there’s a method for getting around buying compartments explicitly to store food. In a video on GQ’s Youtube channel, Chang makes sense of that on the off chance that you request takeout or conveyance, you’re unavoidably going to pile up a few plastic holders that can be reused. “There’s not a really obvious explanation to purchase Tupperware. There’s not an obvious explanation to purchase those Ziploc things. This is essentially, exclusively, more helpful to use as a stockpiling of food,” Chang said of takeout compartments.